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How to create a spa bathroom in your home

In: Inspiration | 12th April, 2019

We introduce Emma, the owner of the parenting and lifestyle blog the Joy Of Five. Emma writes about the ups and downs of life with a family of five, as well as the adventures they have as a tight knit family.  We teamed up with Emma to discover how you can create the perfect spa bathroom in your home.

Don’t we all want and deserves an hour or two for ourselves to unwind every now and then. The stresses and strains of everyday life can be all consuming and we need to find the ability to switch off from them every now and again and give ourselves time to reflect, recharge our batteries and just switch off to everything that is going on in our lives.

For many a warm, soothing bath is the ideal way of relaxing and escaping the world. Finding space in your home can be a bit tricky, it’s all about creating the perfect atmosphere. For me the words relaxing, and bath tend not to go hand in hand due to the fact my children love to interrupt me. I have visions of laying there in quiet solitude when in reality I am usually getting toys launched at me or teens yelling demands.

I have been brainstorming a few ideas and here are some changes I am planning to put in place to create a little haven in my own home.

Tidy House, Tidy Mind:

For me I find it very hard to truly switch off if I am surrounded by clutter. It plays on my mind that it’s there and really affects my mood. To create a spa like experience you need to banish clutter to set up the best base for you to enjoy your experience.

Mood Lighting:

Getting the lighting right is key to creating a relaxing environment. Turn off all those harsh lights and leave it down to candlelight to softly illuminate the room.


Music can play a big part in the way we feel so finding some calming, zen like tracks to play whist you relax can have a big impact on the way you feel. Resonance sound therapy is something worth considering as it allows you to play music wirelessly through an attachment to the shell of your bath.

Food and Drink:

Having something such as a fruit platter and herbal teas are a lovely way to enjoy a bite to eat without stimulating your brain with things like caffeine and alcohol.

Beauty Products:

It really wouldn’t be a spa without a few lovely treatments.  Get yourself a relaxing face mask or deep conditioning hair treatment and let it works it’s magic whilst you soak in the tub.

Technology Free Zone:

This one goes without saying really but put away all kinds of technology that you are going to find to be a distraction and limit you from switching off. We all spend way too much time on our phones, so pack them away for a few hours and enjoy the peace.

Get Lost In A Good Book:

I can’t remember the last time I picked up a book and really took the time to sit back and enjoy reading. Reading is such a good way to occupy your mind and something I need to get back into the habit of doing.

Unwinding after a long day, is one of the small joys out of life. With the options that I’ve suggested, experiment and see what works for you. You’d be surprised how just adjusting your “down time” routine can make such a difference to your overall wellbeing and mental health.  What other things do you think you could turn your home into a spa?